Deprecated: Function get_magic_quotes_gpc() is deprecated in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 143

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 3899

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 14191

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 20514

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 20514

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 69

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 84

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290

Deprecated: array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead in /home/srv81706/domains/ on line 290
MAXIM - ROWER MIEJSKI DAMSKI MC 1.5.6 LADY 28" - Rowery z Duszą - sklep z rowerami i akcesoriami

Sklep On-Line: +48/ 519 023 181 mail:


Rower MAXIM 1.5.6 LADY to wyjątkowo elegancki i niepowtarzalny jednoślad skierowany do kobiet ceniących zarówno wyjątkowy design jak i komfort jazdy. Zbudowany jest na lekkiej aluminiowej ramie z 6 biegowa piastą Shimano. Zapewnia wyprostowaną sylwetkę i wygodne oparcie rąk na kierownicy. Eleganckie malowanie, wiklinowy koszyk oraz stylowe siodło zapewniają niepowtarzalny szyk.
Rower idealny do poruszania się po zatłoczonych ulicach miast.


Producent: MAXIM

1 Przedmiot


Ostatnie egzemplarze!

1 749,00 zł
Kolor : 
- +
  • Nazwa:  Maxim MC 1.5.6
  • Rama:  Stalowa
  • Widelec:  Hi-ten
  • Przerzutka Przód:  x
  • Przerzutka Tył:  S-H ARDTX35D
  • Manetki:  S-H ASLRS35R6AP
  • Pedały:  Wellgo LU-C35
  • Wolnobieg / Kaseta:  Shimano MFTZ20
  • Hamulec Przód:  Promax alloy TX-117
  • Hamulec Tył:  Promax alloy TX-117
  • Dźwignie Hamulca:  PROMAX BL-82AP
  • Piasta Przód:  ASSES AE-241F
  • Piasta Tył:  ASSES AE-241R
  • Obręcze:  MACH ER10
  • Opony:  28 X 1,75 C-1446 z białym bokiem
  • Rozmiar Koła:  28"
  • Kierownica:  PROMAX HB-3207
  • Wspornik Kierownicy:  HS-C80-5
  • Siodło:  ABI SO 1512E
  • Oświetlenie Przód:  BREEZE LED battery
  • Oświetlenie Tył:  XC-114 (błotnik)
  • Błotniki:  stalowy
  • odpórka:  NH-KC22AAJ
  • Rozmiary Ram:  17"
  • Ilość Biegów:  6
  • Waga:  15,7 kg



Materiał ramy :aluminium
Rozmiar ramy :17''
Rozmiar koła :28"
Przerzutki :Shimano Tourney
Styl :Miejski
Widelec :Sztywny
Ilośc Biegów :6
Oświetlenie :Led/bateryjne

Nikt nie dodał opinii.

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Od wielu lat kaski dziecięce ABUS są synonimem podstawowego i bardzo bezpiecznego rozwiązania w zakresie ochrony dzieci podczas jazdy rowerem.

* Technologia In-Mold zapewnia doskonałą trwałość oraz bardzo dobrą absorbcję uderzeń poprzez użycie materiału EPS
* Osłony na dolnej krawędzi zabezpieczają kask przed uszkodzeniami typowymi przy dziecięcej eksploatacji
* Światełko LED w tylnym pokrętle regulacyjnym poprawia widoczność po zmierzch
* Dobra wentylacja z 6 wlotami powietrza oraz 6 wylotami
* Wtopiona siatka na owady we wszystkich przednich otworach wentylacyjnych
* Pasywne bezpieczeństwo zapewnione przez wielkie odblaski
* rozmiar "s"
* obwód głowy 46-52 cm
* waga 230 gram

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